Christianity is a Journey to Know Christ and to be Conformed to His Image
Christian Truth Ministry
My name is Mark Greenwood. I was brought up in a Pentecostal Church in Sheffield England, where I was saved, baptized in water and filled with the Holy Spirit.
I believed on God from a very young age and asked Jesus into my heart. When I left school at 15, I was unsure what to do with my life. Some friends from school asked me to join them in town at a dance hall; I said I would think about it. The church I was brought up in had a very good young people’s meeting, and Peter, a young man a year older than myself asked if I wanted to go to the youth meeting with him. I hadn’t thought about it but that was exactly what I wanted, I said yes. The next ten years were built on good friendships and fellowship together. I met my wife Anne at church, Peter married Joy (whose parents let us all meet together in their house for coffee and listening to their records etc.), Eddie and Elizabeth were another couple who were good friends, David and Jean are another couple at whose house we spent many happy hours. I enjoyed the time spent walking across the moors with David. Many of us would go for a run in the cars to Matlock for fish and chips. Shirley and Brian were part of the gang of friends. I can’t forget the Wardley family of course. Also Dennis and Pat, Roy and Greta, Fred and Mary, Joe and Margaret, and in later years Ken and Margaret who have been our dear friends through many difficult times.
There was also Martin and Pete who I would go out on the streets witnessing with and afterwards meet with at our house to pray for the people we had witnessed to. Martin loved walking on the moors and I would often join him enjoying his fellowship. Pete was a gentle soul who saw very early on that Christianity was all about Christ. Philip and Bill later joined me witnessing on the streets. Bill was also a good prayer partner as we spent time praying for the church we were at. There were so many friends I can’t name them all but those early years in a young Christians life are so important to establish them in the faith. We all move on in life but those early friendships help to prepare us for the hard trials that may lay ahead.
It is not always possible for young people to find other Christians close by that they can meet with. We do need to give a word of encouragement to them when we can.
Salvation, baptism in water and receiving the Holy Spirit are the basic steps for the New Believer, which I have included in this site. However this is just the beginning of our Christian Life, it is essential we don’t stay there, but we move on to maturity.
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