Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.

Many Christians are still under bondage to sin. There can be many reasons for that such as being babes in Christ, or just carnal Christians who have never grown even though they have been saved for many years. There are those who are still under the law and trying to establish their own righteousness. There is one type of Christian who believes in grace but they are trying to live a perfect life by works just to prove that being under grace doesn’t make you less holy than someone under law. This is the man in Romans seven. He needs a fuller revelation of grace.

Below are some articles that may help the struggling Christian:


Freedom From Sin

By Mark Greenwood

Victory Over The Besetting Sin

By Mark Greenwood

Christ in Heaven and Christ Within

By T. Austin-Sparks

Not under Law

By Mark Greenwood

Under The Law or Not

By Holly Sprenger Garcia
